Showing 1–12 of 69 results

Acacia Honey, Berestoff, 500g Supply

Original price was: $20.89.Current price is: $10.45.
Acacia Honey, Berestoff, 500g Ingredients: 100% natural honeyRich aroma of acacia with a piquant hint of Duchesse and mint.The taste

Buckwheat Flower Living Honey Berestov 1.1 lb Sale

Original price was: $19.94.Current price is: $9.97.
Buckwheat Flower Living Honey Berestov 1.1 lb Aromatic buckwheat honey from the apiary of Altai grown in ecologically clean regions

Buckwheat Honey “Altaysvet” Berestov 8.46 oz Online Sale

Original price was: $5.50.Current price is: $2.75.
Buckwheat Honey “Altaysvet” Berestov 8.46 oz Origin: Altay region   Botanical Ingredients: Buckwheat (may be present: sainfoin, angelica and other

Buckwheat Honey Altaysvet Berestov 8.46 oz Hot on Sale

Original price was: $5.50.Current price is: $2.75.
Buckwheat Honey Altaysvet Berestov 8.46 oz Honey “Berastoff A.S.” Buckwheat Altaysvet brought the best apiary south-eastern regions of the Altai

Coriander Honey Favorites Collection Berestov 1.1lb Online

Original price was: $19.71.Current price is: $9.86.
Coriander Honey Favorites Collection Berestov 1.1lb Ingredients: 100% natural honey Nothing superfluous has been added to the composition of coriander

Craft Honey Forest Oregano, Berestov, 260 g/ 0.57 lb Fashion

Original price was: $8.54.Current price is: $4.27.
Craft Honey Forest Oregano, Berestov, 260 g/ 0.57 lb Honey “Forest Oregano” is honey with a spicy tart aroma and

Honey “Ussuriisk Balm” Berestov 12.7 oz Discount

Original price was: $7.12.Current price is: $3.56.
Honey “Ussuriisk Balm” Berestov 12.7 oz Botanical composition: Linden   Region collection: Ussuri region and the Far East.   Nutritional

Honey Altai Flower Berestov 1.1lb Supply

Original price was: $16.14.Current price is: $8.07.
Honey Altai Flower Berestov 1.1lb “Berestov AS” “Flower” brought from the best apiaries of the central part of the Altai

Honey COLLAGEN & VITAMINS Sport Honey Berestov 1 lb Sale

Original price was: $12.34.Current price is: $6.17.
Honey COLLAGEN & VITAMINS Sport Honey Berestov 1 lb   Ingredients: hydrolyzed collagen, vitamin premix, natural honey

Honey Esparcet Rare Sort Berestov 1.1lb on Sale

Original price was: $17.05.Current price is: $8.53.
Honey Esparcet Rare Sort Berestov 1.1lb Honey collection region: Altai, Krasnoshchekovsky, Krasnogorsky, Charyshsky, Soloneshensky, Bystroistoksky districts Esparcet: a perennial plant,

Honey Highland Altaysvet Berestov 8.46 oz Online

Original price was: $5.50.Current price is: $2.75.
Honey Highland Altaysvet Berestov 8.46 oz Honey “Berestoff A.S.” Highland Altaysvet is brought from the best apiaries of the southern

Honey Linden Bashkirhan Berestov 8.46 oz Sale

Original price was: $7.69.Current price is: $3.85.
Honey Linden Bashkirhan Berestov 8.46 oz  Honey “Berastoff A.S.” Linden Bashkirhan is brought by our selectors from the best apiaries