Smoked Fish Vici

Showing all 4 results

Cold Smoked Salmon Fillet, 200g Online

Original price was: $12.06.Current price is: $6.03.
Cold Smoked Salmon Fillet, 200g Red salmon meat is considered a culinary delicacy, which has a refined taste and healthy

Cold Smoked Salmon Slices, 100g Fashion

Original price was: $10.92.Current price is: $5.46.
Cold Smoked Salmon Slices, 100g Red salmon meat is considered a culinary delicacy, which has a refined taste and healthy

Lightly Salted Salmon Fillet, 0.44lb/ 200g Online now

Original price was: $12.06.Current price is: $6.03.
Lightly Salted Salmon Fillet, 0.44lb/ 200g Lightly salted salmon is always tasty and healthy: calorie content of salted salmon only

Lightly Salted Salmon Slices, 0.22lb/ 100g Discount

Original price was: $7.69.Current price is: $3.85.
Lightly Salted Salmon Slices, 0.22lb/ 100g It also has a high content of calcium, iron, zinc, iodine, phosphorus, and vitamin