Natural Tangerine Honey “Black Edition” | Berestov A.S., 7.64oz
Nutritional value of 100g:
0 protein
0 fats
80.3 carbohydrates
321 kcal
Composition: natural honey 100%
To taste, this honey is of medium sweetness with a slight sourness, without bitterness and a citrus aftertaste.
Tangerine honey is a product of processing the nectar of several citrus fruits at once: tangerines, lemons.
Citrus trees bloom in March and April, light amber honey with an excellent confectionery aroma is obtained from their nectar.
Collected in a special climate that combines sea and mountain air, honey contains useful essential oils (phytoncides). The antioxidant properties of tangerine honey protect the body from the action of free radicals.
Regions of honey collection: Abkhazia.
Honey packaging is carried out by the “cold method”, which allows you to preserve 100% of the biological properties of the product.
Consistency: syrupy, stringy
Color: from dark amber to brown