Sunflower Honey Berestov 24.7 oz
Honey “Berastoff A.S.” Sunflower has its origins in the best apiaries Rostov Region and Krasnodar Territory. Due to the high content of glucose in the honey it quickly crystallizes. In addition, the apiaries, which we chose, growing special sort “Gourmand” sunflower, and because of this Honey “Berastoff A.S.” Sunflower is very soft oily consistency.
Origin: Rostov region, Krasnodar, Volga region.
Botanical structure: sunflower
Honey bouquet: Color of rural melted butter. Dense, almost granular consistence.
The aroma of hot milk, butter with a slight tinge of wheat. Taste intense, slightly peppery.
The aroma of hot milk, butter with a slight tinge of wheat. Taste intense, slightly peppery.
Recommendations about the use: Especially useful for eating honey in the morning.
Hot and delicious oatmeal with honey “Berastau A.S. Sunflower “- a great breakfast, not only for adults but also for children.
And the addition of honey and sour cream cheese makes this dish a real treat! If you intend to use honey, not only sweetness, but also for therapeutic purposes, please do not heat it.
At temperatures above 45 ° C honey retains all its taste, but loses much of the healing properties since destroyed by heat treatment vitamins and enzymes.
And the addition of honey and sour cream cheese makes this dish a real treat! If you intend to use honey, not only sweetness, but also for therapeutic purposes, please do not heat it.
At temperatures above 45 ° C honey retains all its taste, but loses much of the healing properties since destroyed by heat treatment vitamins and enzymes.
The nutrition value (100g.): carbohydrates of 80,3 g, caloric content are 324 Kcal.
Shelf life: To store at a temperature not over 20 ° within 2 years of date of packing.
Krasnodar Region, or Kuban, has always been famous for its food wealth.
The most popular variety of honey in the Kuban — sunflower honey.
It is understandable: Krasnodar sunflower is perfect not only for one of the best vegetable oils, but also other equally tasty and healthy products.
Also bees in the Kuban attract chestnut trees.
In the area where chestnuts grow in abundance, honey always turns out to be more liquid, does not give a cage and often has a characteristic tart bitterness.
And, of course, we must not forget about the rich herbs of this region.